Emergency Services: 540-373-6876

A severe and persistent mental illness can make daily household activities difficult. Cooking, cleaning, budgeting, and getting along with neighbors can seem like insurmountable challenges to someone struggling with behavioral health concerns. We are here to help, with a wide array of services from 24-hour supervision to weekly visits.

We help individuals with mental illness live independently in the community by offering skill-building services, training, and monitoring. Through our Supported Living program, we provide help with budgeting, cleaning, cooking, nutrition, goal-setting, and medication management. We also help individuals communicate effectively with family, friends, property owners, neighbors, and community supports.

Through our Supervised Apartment Program, we rent to adults with severe and persistent mental illness. Our highly trained staff members visit individuals multiple times a day in most programs, and we also offer 24-hour supervision.

Your mental health case manager can help you decide if residential services are right for you. For details, call 540-899-4516.

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